Friday, March 2, 2012

Yen Can Cook: Lemon

lemonade | pasta
cookies | penne
lemonade | cookies

Lemons are incredibly refreshing. When I think of the Summer months, I think of the tart, yellow fruit that can be used in both savory and sweet dishes. One of my favorite dishes at home is num bo, which translates to "to soak in butter" from Vietnamese. It's as delicious as it is bad for you. My mom would fill a pan with butter and throw in shrimp, calamari, beef, and other delicious cuts of meat. After they're fully cooked, we would place the meat onto rice paper and roll them to resemble spring rolls. My mom would make nuoc mam for us to dip our spring rolls in, making the food savory and salty, with a tang. Nuoc mam, which is a staple in all Vietnamese households, is made up of (depending on the family) fish sauce (smelly!), lemon juice, pepers, water, sugar. Those are just the main ingredients though, each family adds their own flair to the sauce! 

I also like my lemon with a side of sugar. Lemon desserts are the best! My mouth instantly fills with saliva when I think about a lemon cookie or a slice of lemon pound cake. To wash it all down with an ice cold cup of lemonade is wish I would make during the 110 degree dog days of summer here in Northern California. Oh to be home and eating with my family right now...

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