Monday, April 21, 2014

117 Top Travel Tips

Having been on many plane rides and living out of my suitcase for too many weekends, I would like to think that I'm a pretty seasoned traveler. Here are some tips that may help you out:
1. Pack lightly. If I were to pack for my Taipei trip again, I would only have packed 3 tops and 3 bottoms & mix-&-match it up. As I was unpacking, I noticed that I wasn't able to wear some of the pieces inside my suitcase. I did pack one pair of PJs, which wasn't too bad but I would pack 2 if I stayed a little longer.
2. Buy your toiletries at your destination. Even though I stayed with my friend who happily shared all of her toiletries, I would have bought a bunch of travel sized shampoos, toothpaste, and body wash at my destination. This makes me less worried about following TSA regulations and having to downsize a lot of my toiletries into travel-size containers. I did, however, pack my makeup remover, toner, and face wash into 1 oz. containers because I wasn't going to chance it with those products.
3. It's okay to eat the same thing more than once. Knowing that my time in Taipei was limited and highly doubtful that I would be returning, I made sure to eat the foods I really enjoyed more than once. It's easy to be adventurous and eat everywhere when you're traveling, but going back to places that serve your favorite snack (BUTTER BUNS) allows you to have your fill before your departure. There are only finite days and finite buns. Enjoy them while you can.
4. Travel with those who have similar goals. I was lucky enough to be paired with awesome roommates my freshman year. Since we know each other so well, traveling was a breeze. I'm the type of person to wake up and plan a day, Christine likes to have an itinerary two months beforehand, and Catherine was working for most the days so we had to find a compromise that allowed for everyone to participate fully.
5. Allow yourself to have a break. Even though we had so many plans and places to go, I really wish that we took more time just hanging out and chill. My anxiety and depression kick in when I lack a time to rest and be alone, which may be due to my introversion. By the 4th day, we were walking and sightseeing until our feet hurt. It made my mind and body weary but I was able to have really nice, long sleeps so it was not too bad. But make sure to allow yourself to just sit and take a breather. Self-care before anything else.
6. Bring cash. I was silly enough to assume that my debit card would be able to work at one of Taipei's ATMs. By the last few days, I was low on NTs and no way to pay for anything. I was lucky that Catherine and Christine were able to spot me but there is a feeling of helplessness when you can't pay for your own stuff.
7. Enjoy your vacation. I had homework and businness that I had to do while in Taipei which stressed me out. Knowing that I should check my email everyday made me focus less on my friends and more on the events I would have to return to. As glad as I was that Catherine's apartment had wifi, I wish my emails were nonexistent and my homework not mandatory.

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